Joining The Junior School
The Junior School provides time and space for children to find their passions and flourish
St Margaret’s Junior School is split into Lower Juniors, Reception to Year 3 and Upper Juniors, Year 4 to Year 6.
The main entry points into the Junior School are into Reception and again into Year 3. We are also able to consider applications for entry into other year groups where we have occasional spaces.
All registered children will be invited to an assessment and taster session, appropriate for their age and year group; this normally takes place during the autumn/winter of the academic year prior to entry.
The offer of a place is at the discretion of the Head of Junior School who will take into consideration the assessment day feedback, as well as a current school or nursery report and/or confidential reference report. Children may be offered a place, declined a place or placed on a waiting list.
Demand into Reception is high, with places offered, in the first instance, to children who attend The Nursery at St Margaret’s and just one third of places offered to external applicants.
4+ Admissions
How to apply for a Reception place
We welcome applications for entry into our Junior School Reception class. From initial visits to assessment and taster days, we will make sure families have plenty of opportunities to get to know us.

Junior School Admissions
How to apply for a Junior School place
Outside of entry into The Nursery and Reception classes, we sometimes also have occasional places within other year groups. Please do contact us for further information on capacity or waiting lists.

Registration Form
Complete and submit the form to register your child with us and we will be in touch with next steps.