We are here to help students find the right academic pathway for the future that fits them best
Students have the freedom to choose from over 20 subjects to best suit their academic interests.
Sixth Formers typically select 4 A-levels in Year 12, reducing to 3 A-Levels in Year 13. Most students will also study the Extended Project Qualification or a St Margaret’s research prize; critical thinking; physical education and General Studies, providing a broad curriculum which serves them well when they make the transition to university life.
Our Oxbridge, Law and Biomedical Societies also provide a densely packed programme across the two years which makes use of external speakers, admissions specialists and alumni in order to support competitive applications.
For those students whose first language is not English, there will also be timetabled EAL lessons and an opportunity for students to sit an A-Level in their native language. For those students who will require an IELTs qualification in order to apply to university, timetabled support will also be provided for this, in addition to A-Level study.
Even as students enter a more independent phase of their studies, Sixth Formers who require support in accessing the curriculum are well catered for, with the option of more individual care and guidance available to those who require it. All students are screened for learning needs upon entry to the Sixth Form, ensuring that the right support is in place throughout a student's A-level experience.
We believe that a successful working partnership with parents and guardians is the key to getting the best out of students. Parents of Sixth Formers are invited into School on several occasions during the academic year. These include parents’ evenings, a ‘meet the form tutor’ evening, which has a more pastoral focus, a university advice evening and other more informal occasions.
The qualifications required to enter St Margaret’s Sixth Form are 6 level 5s at GCSE including English Language and Maths. Depending on individual department requirements, students must also reach the entry requirements for the subjects they choose to study at A-level.
Supporting SEND
All pupils are screened for learning needs on entry to the school. Any child starting at the School with a learning difficulty or special need will be asked to provide any relevant reports to our SENCO. Any child identified with additional needs will be supported by the learning support department. Here they will gain ongoing practical, emotional and academic support which makes a real difference to their academic journey and success.
Crucially the SENCO will share relevant reports, teaching strategies and updates with teaching staff. This will ensure that lessons are appropriately differentiated. A continuous cycle of monitoring and feedback makes these strategies effective.
Pupils with a range of learning needs are fully supported in their learning, both through small group workshops and individual tuition - pupils with a range of educational needs make excellent academic progress at St Margaret's.