The Crown, Summer Edition 2024
15th May 2024
Welcome to The Crown
Dear reader,
Thank you for picking up the latest edition of The Crown. This term our team of reporters have pinpointed their passions and, with the support of the editorial team, penned the 2023-24 summer edition. Packed full of modern news and topical discussions, this student-led magazine reports from the heart of what the next generation believes needs to be heard, from the effect of classical civilisation on the modern world to exploring the boundaries of free speech.
The Crown is written and edited entirely by the students of St Margaret's (with the lightest of touches from staff) and we are very proud of the journalists who work independently and collaboratively on issues that affect them and their peers. Our contributors are drawn from Year 7 up to Sixth Form and, as such, the spectrum of interests represented within the pages is vast and ever-changing, reflecting the times in which we live. We are fortunate enough to have writers from a wide range of cultures who add an international flavour to the magazine and allow us to celebrate the diversity amongst our student body.
Every issue provides the pupils with a sense of achievement as they proudly see their name in print. They take these accomplishments into their future aspirations and have the opportunity to add this to their portfolio. We aim to celebrate every single student who contributes by involving them in every single stage of the publication.